Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Activities 1

Science Experiment: Run Away Pepper
Fill a bowl with water and sprinkle pepper into it.  Add a drop of liquid dish soap into the bowl and watch what happens!  What did the pepper do?  It runs away from the soap. Why? The soap breaks down the surface tension of the water and the tension of the rest of the water pulls the pepper away from the soap. 

Active Learning Game: Number Dash
Tape numbers in random and various spots on the floor (can also be done with sidewalk chalk). Call out a number and have the children run to it.  Mix it up by adding in more difficult questions for older kids such as “Find the number that comes before 4.” Encourage the children to help their friends.

Messy Art: Fingerpainting with Pudding
Toddlers love to taste everything...edible or not.  They also love to get messy.  I had been tempted to whip out the fingerpaints and let them go crazy under strict supervision but decided to find a fun, and tasty, alternative to ease my fears of a little one deciding to make paint their next snack.  Chocolate pudding was the answer!

Fun with Food
Frog Day: We read books, sang songs and ate a frog snack! (made from apples, grapes, yogurt, cereal and a dot of chocolate syrup for the eyes!)

Valentine's Day: We celebrated this special day by making Valentine's Day cards and decorating lunch with a heart! Our craft was to make a Valentine's butterfly.