- Colors
- Shapes
- Animals
- Alphabet & Numbers
- Language Development
- For older children:
- Practice using a pencil (tracing)
- Beginning math (graphing)
- BrainQuest activities
- Learning units (hibernation, why trees lose their leaves in fall, etc)
- Worksheets are sent home showing child's work
- Learning about body parts through songs
- Games that involve crawling, jumping, running, tossing, kicking, and stomping
- Developing fine motor skills and coordination through activities such as coloring, sorting and stacking blocks
- Building confidence through an environment that is safe and nurturing
- Guidance on how to express needs and emotions appropriately
- Learning how to interact with friends
- Enhancing listening skills through storytelling
- Learning manners (please/thank you, sharing, and working together)
- Following simple directions and rules